Total Rewards | +29093.80611 STRAX |
Income Today | +30.19875 STRAX |
Income 1d | 7d | 31d | +120.95784 | +907.21632 | +3450.76976 |
APR 7d | 31d | 365d | 236.52% | 203.15% | 145.32% |
Income 7d | +907.21632 STRAX |
APR 7d | 236.52% |
Luck | 94.7% | 115.3% |
Epoch | Slot | Status | Time | Root Hash | Att. | Dep. | Sl. Pro/Att | Ex. | Graffiti |
Epoch | Slot | Status | Time | Incl. Slot | Opt.Incl.Dist. |
Period | Epoch | Slot | Status | Participation |
Withdrawal Address
Your current withdrawal credentials are: 0x0067…d68c
Execution Layer
This table displays the deposits made to the Stratis staking deposit contract.
From Address | Tx Hash | Block | Time | Withdrawal Cred. | Amount | Valid |
0x123463…ABb524 | 0x2c87fa… | 600498 | 0x0067…d68c | 20000 STRAX | true |
Validator History
Epoch | Rewards | Events |